Retro Design


Ime i prezime potrošača:_____________________________________________________ Adresa:___________________________________________________________________ Kontakt telefon: ________________________ E-mail adresa:_______________________ Prima : Retro design d.o.o. Dalmatinska 22, 10360 Sesvete, Hrvatska

 __________________________________________________ (Ime i prezime potrošača) ovim putem izjavljujem da jednostrano raskidam Ugovor o kupoprodaji sljedećih roba ili usluga: __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ PODACI O NARUDŽBI Datum narudžbe ___________________________ Šifra narudžbe___________________ Datum isporuke ____________________________ Broj računa _____________________ ________________________ ____________________________________ Mjesto i datum Potpis (isključivo ako se ispunjava ručno)


Retro design d.o.o. Dalmatinska 22, 10360 Sesvete, Hrvatska OIB: 48522168716 Kontakt telefon: 01 3464 790 E-mail: OBRAZAC ZA JEDNOSTRANI RASKID UGOVORA O KUPOPRODAJI SKLOPLJENOG NA DALJINU

 Računanje roka za jednostrani raskid ugovora Ugovor možete jednostrano raskinuti u roku od 14 dana bez navođenja razloga. Da biste mogli ostvariti pravo na jednostrani raskid ovoga Ugovora, morate nas obavijestiti o svojoj odluci o jednostranom raskidu ugovora prije isteka roka i to nedvosmislenom izjavom poslanom poštom, telefaksom ili elektroničkom poštom, u kojoj ćete navesti svoje ime i prezime, adresu, broj telefona, telefaksa ili adresu elektroničke pošte, a možete koristiti i priloženi primjer obrasca za jednostrani raskid ugovora. Rok za jednostrani raskid iznosi 14 dana od dana kada je Vama ili trećoj osobi koju ste Vi odredili, a koja nije prijevoznik, roba koja je predmet ugovora predana u posjed. U slučaju sklapanja ugovora koji se odnosi na više komada robe koji trebaju biti isporučeni odvojeno, odnosno ako je riječ o robi koja se dostavlja u više komada ili više pošiljki, rok za jednostrani raskid iznosi 14 dana od dana kada je Vama ili trećoj osobi koju ste Vi odredili, a koja nije prijevoznik, predan u posjed zadnji komad ili zadnja pošiljka robe. Povrat uplaćenog iznosa Ako jednostrano raskinete ovaj Ugovor, izvršit ćemo povrat novca koji smo od Vas primili, uključujući i troškove isporuke, bez odgađanja, a najkasnije u roku od 14 dana od dana kada smo zaprimili Vašu odluku o jednostranom raskidu ugovora, osim ako ste odabrali drugu vrstu isporuke koja nije najjeftinija vrsta standardnog prijevoza kojeg smo ponudili. Povrat novca bit će izvršen na isti način na koji ste Vi izvršili uplatu. U slučaju da odaberete drugi način povrata plaćenog iznosa, ne snosite nikakve troškove u odnosu na povrat. Povrat novca možemo izvršiti tek nakon što nam roba bude vraćena ili nakon što nam dostavite dokaz da ste nam robu poslali nazad. Povrat robe Robu vratite ili je predajte nama bez nepotrebnog odgađanja, a u svakom slučaju najkasnije u roku od 14 dana od dana kada ste nam uputili Vašu odluku o jednostranom raskidu ugovora. Smatra se da ste izvršili svoju obvezu na vrijeme ako prije isteka naprijed navedenog roka pošaljete ili nam predate robu. Troškovi povrata robe Izravne troškove povrata robe morate snositi sami. Odgovornost potrošača za umanjenje vrijednosti robe Odgovorni ste za svako umanjenje vrijednosti robe koje je rezultat rukovanja robom, osim onog koje je bilo potrebno za utvrđivanje prirode, obilježja i funkcionalnosti robe. Retro design d.o.o. Dalmatinska 22, 10360 Sesvete, Hrvatska OIB: 48522168716 Kontakt telefon: 01 3464 790 E-mail:










Name and surname of the consumer: _______________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________

Contact phone: __________________________ E-mail address: _______________________ To: Retro design d.o.o. Dalmatinska 22, 10360 Sesvete, Croatia

 ______________________________________________ (Name and surname of the consumer) I hereby declare that I unilaterally terminate the Contract for the sale of the following goods or services: to be filled in manually)


Retro design d.o.o. Dalmatinska 22, 10360 Sesvete, Croatia OIB: 48522168716 Contact phone: 01 3464 790 E-mail: FORM FOR UNILATERAL TERMINATION OF A LONG-TERM PURCHASE AGREEMENT

 Calculating the deadline for unilateral termination of the contract You can unilaterally terminate the contract within 14 days without giving a reason. In order to be entitled to unilaterally terminate this Agreement, you must notify us of your decision to terminate the Agreement unilaterally before the deadline by an unequivocal statement sent by mail, fax or e-mail stating your name, address, telephone number. fax or e-mail address, and you can use the attached example of a form for unilateral termination of the contract. The deadline for unilateral termination is 14 days from the day when the goods subject to the contract were handed over to you or to a third party designated by you, who is not a carrier. In the case of concluding a contract relating to several pieces of goods to be delivered separately, or in the case of goods delivered in several pieces or more shipments, the deadline for unilateral termination is 14 days from the day when you or a third party you You determine, and which is not the carrier, handed over possession of the last piece or last shipment of goods. Refund If you unilaterally terminate this Agreement, we will refund the money we received from you, including shipping costs, without delay, and no later than 14 days from the date of receipt of your decision to terminate the contract unilaterally, unless you choose another type of delivery that is not the cheapest type of standard transportation we have offered. The refund will be made in the same way as you made the payment. If you choose another method of refunding the amount paid, you do not incur any costs in relation to the refund. We can only refund the money after the goods are returned to us or after you provide us with proof that you have sent the goods back to us. Return of goods Return the goods or hand them over to us without undue delay, and in any case no later than 14 days from the day you sent us your decision to unilaterally terminate the contract. You are considered to have fulfilled your obligation on time if you send or hand over the goods to us before the expiry of the above deadline. Return costs You must bear the direct costs of returning the goods yourself. Consumer liability for impairment of goods You are responsible for any impairment of goods resulting from the handling of goods, other than that necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and functionality of the goods. Retro design d.o.o. Dalmatinska 22, 10360 Sesvete, Croatia OIB: 48522168716 Contact phone: 01 3464 790 E-mail: